Any Christian religion which decries paganism is in ignorance or denial.
At least Pope Leo 10th had the audacity and honesty to mention with smug satisfaction to his colleagues at a famous dinner, "How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us."
The governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses are still struggling to match their worldly glory.
Christianity is simply paganism which had been officially sanitized by the Roman Catholic Church... the cult from which all other forms of Jesus-Christianity including JWs have descended. These pagan beliefs includes its key player Jesus who is nothing more than a literary incarnation of earlier dying-and-rising solar gods focusing on Spring sacrifice and the annual re-birth of the sun . The themes of the Bible from the beginning of Genesis to end of Revelation are thoroughly pagan.
Nothing is really sacred!
Jehovah's witnesses imagine that by avoiding a few cultural gestures, birthdays and toasting, they are pleasing God... it is trifling and silly... and shows facets of their mind bending demands for total obedience from a controlling cult leadership.
The idea of God itself is a pre-eminent pagan concept. The primitive folk explanation for the reason for the world's being is that a god made it and us.
As for pinatas they too seem to belong to the pagan world and so the GB are indeed hypocrites but we all knew that anyway. A little research on the net shows it was possibly connected to a spring ritual originating in China. So keep the Hispanic brothers on board and putting cash into the Watchtower coffers.
Perhaps we are going to see a number of changes in favour of religious tolerance from the JWorg, where to do so brings in more of the moolah?